Performance/OOo31 LibrariesOnStartup

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Performance analysis for 3.1 startup (Windows)

The startup performance of is not as good as many people expect. This has several reasons which more or less are based on the long development history. Due to discussion with many people it should be clear that we process too much code during the startup process.I think it's the best way to make the startup much faster if we completely understand what libraries are loaded and why they are used.

My first analysis results strengthen our thesis that too much code (libraries) is involved in the startup process. The following numbers have been retrieved from the build DEV300m40 under Windows. The Microsoft VisualStudio Debugger shows exactly when a library is loaded into the address space of a debugged process. Therefore it's valuable tool to retrieve information about the libraries which are loaded during startup.

Tools for performance analysis under Windows

Microsoft provides several tools to analyze performance problems. Especially for Windows Vista there are the Windows Performance Analysis Tools available for download. The Visual C++ 2008 Express suite provides a very good debugger. The famous and formerly known SysInternals tools are now maintained by Microsoft and can be downloaded here. Most of the analysis data was retrieved using the Process Monitor tool. This tool provides powerful functions to get information which are normally buried deep in the Windows system.

Windows features which can influence start up performance

Microsoft implemented new features into Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista which can influence the start up performance of applications. First this is a nice way to help applications to start faster but it can disturb performance analysis. The following descriptions want to show some of the features and how they influence the start up performance.


  • Windows XP, Windows Server 2003

This feature tracks how an application accesses code and data files during start up. The access pattern is written into prefetch files (.pf) which are stored within the Prefetch folder in the root Windows directory ("\Windows\Prefetch"). Only the first 10 seconds of application activity are monitored and stored. On the next application start up Windows tries to optimize the file access based on the previously stored access pattern. This prefetching can easily be seen in the Process Monitor where Windows tries to load bigger chunks of a library with asynchronous file I/O. It leads to the fact that ProcessMonitor provides in the "File Summary" function very high file I/O times. This feature can lead to better start up times (about 10-20%). Deleting a prefetch file results in a normal start up.

More information can be found here:


  • Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008

An enhanced feature which is based on prefetch. It loads often used application into non-used memory. This feature can massively influence start up performance, especially if the test machine contains plenty of memory. It's possible that applications can be preloaded after a reboot, so some applications start lightning fast. For testing purposes this can be very disturbing and lead to non-reproducible results.

More information and how to disable this feature can be found here:

Disk Defragmenter

  • Since Windows 2000

Since Windows 2000 Microsoft provides a tool to defragment disk drives. File fragmentation can have a significant impact on start up performance when data must be read from a disk drive. Whenever comparisons are made between different installations it should be ensured that these installations don't suffer from fragmentation.

More information:

Overview about the system activities of during startup

The Process Monitor tools provides valuable insight into certain low-level system activities which are done by a process. Fortunately the tools is also able to make a summary of the system activities. This summary can be called a finger print as it shows the particularities of an application. All the startup times and analysis were done on the following machine:

The machine (a notebook) has the following attributes:

  • Intel Pentium M 1.80 GHz
  • 1GB RAM
  • Windows XP SP3
  • Toshiba MK6026GAX 60 GB, 2.5" - 5400rpm - UDMA100 - 16MB Cache
  • Anti-Virus Real-Time Protection (Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition)

Although this is a fairly old notebook it matches very well a new kind of notebook class called Netbook. The CPU power should be a bit higher (out-of-order instead of in-order-CPU and 200 Mhz more speed) but the other attributes fit well.

Cold startup

The cold startup time for DEV300m40 on this machine:

Measure point Time/s (without AV) Time/s (AV realtime protection)
Splash Screen ~6,2 sec. ~14 sec.
Start Center up and running ~13,5 sec. ~22 secs.
Writer up and running ~24,8 sec. ~33 secs.

The following image shows the soffice.bin process activitiy during startup of the Writer module without any AV real-time protection. DEV300m40 System Activities.png

Process Monitor summary data:

System activity Number (with AV) Number (without AV)
File Events 33.988 29.349
Registry Events 2.364 3.415
Network Events 0 0
Max. CPU utilization 32% total / 21% kernel 37% total / 20% kernel
CPU time USER=1,54 sec. / KERNEL=2,82 sec. USER=1,22 sec. / KERNEL=1,44 sec.

What can be see from the summary?

  • On cold start is clearly I/O and not CPU bound. Even on this slow system the CPU power is only partially used.

Warm startup

The warm startup time for DEV300m40 on this machine:

Measure point Time/s (without AV) Time/s (AV realtime protection)
Splash Screen ~1,3 sec. ~1,4 sec.
Start Center up and running ~2,5 sec. ~2.6 secs.
Writer up and running ~4.0 sec. ~4,5 secs. DEV300m40 System Activities WarmStartup.PNG

System activity Number (with AV) Number (without AV)
File Events 31.937 24.718
Registry Events 2.284 2.284
Network Events 0 0
Max. CPU utilization 78% total / 38% kernel 79% total / 33% kernel
CPU time USER=1,33 sec. / KERNEL=1,65 sec. USER=1,28 sec. / KERNEL=1,16 sec.
  • On warm start is much more balanced between file I/O and CPU.

Cold startup svdem.exe (minimal VCL application)

The cold startup time for svdem.exe DEV300m40 on this machine:

Measure point Time/s (without AV)
svdem.exe up and running ~4,0 sec.

The following image shows the soffice.bin process activitiy during startup of the Writer module without any AV real-time protection.

Svdem DEV300m40 System Activities ColdStart.png

Process Monitor summary data:

System activity Number (without AV)
File Events 1.730
Registry Events 609
Network Events 0
Max. CPU utilization 6,2 % total / 6,2 % kernel
CPU time USER=0,062 sec. / KERNEL=0,141 sec.

What can be see from the summary?

  • On cold start svdem.exe is strongly I/O and not CPU bound. Even on this slow system the CPU power is not really used.

Warm startup svdem.exe (minimal VCL application)

The warm startup time for svdem.exe DEV300m40 on this machine:

Measure point Time/s (without AV)
svdem.exe up and running ~0,7 sec.

The following image shows the svdem.exe process activitiy during startup without any AV real-time protection.

Svdem DEV300m40 System Activities WarmStart.png

Process Monitor summary data:

System activity Number (without AV)
File Events 2.439
Registry Events 609
Network Events 0
Max. CPU utilization 0 % total / 0 % kernel
CPU time USER=0,015 sec. / KERNEL=0,188 sec.

What can be see from the summary?

  • On warm start svdem.exe is now much less I/O dependent and start up time is about 1/6 of the cold start scenario. libraries

Some statistic data about the libraries

This data is based on the DEV300m40 build, Windows,

Data/Folder Program Basis URE Sum
Number 4 293 50 347
Size (Bytes) 2.750.464 161.765.640 6.677.152 171.193.256

I use certain measurement points to see what libraries have been loaded by

Measurement point Total number of libraries loaded (OOo libs) Percentage of all libraries. Percentage of all libraries (size)
Desktop ctor (Application object created on the stack) 57 (33) 9,50 % 26,14 %
Desktop::Init (First initializations, e.g. UNO service manager) 59 (34) 9,80 % 26,18 %
Desktop::Main () just entered 70 (34) 13,00 % 27,59 %
Desktop::Main (before we enter the main message loop)/StartCenter ready 98 (70) 20,20 % 34,16 %
Empty Writer document 129 (93) 26,80 % 46,37 %

Table with the loading order of libraries of under Windows

The following table shows when&what libraries are loaded during the 3.1 startup.

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size
001 soffice.bin 7.418.368
002 sal3.dll 1.732.608
003 uwinapi.dll 86.016
004 sofficeapi.dll 326.144
005 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224
006 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104
007 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824
008 cppu3.dll 143.360
009 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504
010 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864
011 vos3MSC.dll 94.208
012 i18nisolang1MSC.dll 24.576
013 sfxmi.dll 3.110.912
014 fwemi.dll 849.408
015 fwimi.dll 299.008
016 utlmi.dll 465.920
017 tlmi.dll 509.952
018 basegfxmi.dll 572.928
019 vclmi.dll 3.074.048
020 sotmi.dll 257.024
021 i18nutilMSC.dll 67.072
022 icuuc40.dll 949.760
023 icudt40.dll 13.912.064
024 svlmi.dll 724.992
025 svtmi.dll 2.884.608
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336
027 jvmfwk3.dll 89.088
028 libxml2.dll 970.752
029 sbmi.dll 1.310.208
030 xcrmi.dll 529.920
031 saxmi.dll 80.384
032 jmi_g.dll 32.768
033 jvmaccess3MSC.dll 25.600
Desktop ctor 44.759.552
034 msci_uno.dll 52.224
Desktop::Init() just entered the method 44.811.776
035 bootstrap.dll 453.632
036 reg3.dll 99.328
037 store3.dll 78.336
038 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800
039 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432
040 1.432.064
041 92.672
042 sysmgr1.dll 37.888
043 135.680
044 30.208
045 31.232
Desktop::Main() just entered the method 47.234.048
046 splmi.dll 148.992
047 ucb1.dll 197.632
048 fwlmi.dll 106.496
049 ucpfile1.dll 245.248
050 fwkmi.dll 1.879.552
051 dnd.dll 115.200
052 fileacc.dll 52.224
053 package2.dll 248.320
054 94.208
055 i18npool.dll 1.235.456
056 icuin40.dll 1.052.160
057 166.912
058 libcurl.dll 121.344
059 266.240
060 deploymentmiscmi.dll 100.864
061 libdb42.dll 541.184
062 helplinkermi.dll 134.144
063 libxslt.dll 166.400
064 77.824
065 unoxmlmi.dll 280.064
066 24.576
067 updchkmi.dll 48.640
068 resmi.dll 65.024
069 lngmi.dll 982.016
070 xomi.dll 2.898.432
Desktop::Main() just before entering the message loop 58.483.200
071 280.576
072 emsermi.dll 148.992
073 uuimi.dll 198.144
074 filterconfig1.dll 188.416
075 swmi.dll 7.332.352
076 svxmi.dll 9.172.992
077 avmediami.dll 56.832
078 gomi.dll 295.936
079 drawinglayermi.dll 802.304
080 canvastoolsmi.dll 498.176
081 aggmi.dll 129.024
082 cppcanvasmi.dll 285.184
083 localedata_euro.dll 642.048
084 localedata_en.dll 104.448
085 xstor.dll 239.616
086 99.840
087 guesslangmi.dll 36.864
088 libtextcat.dll 14.848
089 98.816
090 sysdtrans.dll 107.008
091 ftrans1.dll 50.688
092 mcnttype.dll 33.792
093 83.968
Empty Writer document up and running 79.384.014

Just to get an idea what the first measurement point "Desktop ctor" means. The following code snippet can be found in the desktop project

extern "C" int soffice_main()


    desktop::Desktop aDesktop; // FIRST MEASUREMENT POINT
    // This string is used during initialization of the Gtk+ VCL module
    aDesktop.SetAppName( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("soffice")) );

    return 0;

It's obvious to see that several libraries are loaded/used that nobody would think of. Especially sbmi.dll (Basic), sfx2mi.dll (old framework), sotmi.dll are loaded before any initialization is done, even VCL is not inialized yet. There are several other libraries where one can ask why they are used that early in the startup process. This simple analysis already raised many questions that need to be answered.

Table with the loading order of libraries of svdem.exe under Windows

In contrast to the executable the following table provides the libraries used by the svdem.exe which is a minimal VCL based application (built in the VCL project).

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size
001 svdem.exe 15360
002 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104
003 sal3.dll 1.732.608
004 uwinapi.dll 86.016
005 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824
006 cppu3.dll 143.360
007 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504
008 tlmi.dll 509.952
009 vos3MSC.dll 94.208
010 basegfxmi.dll 572.928
011 iso18nisolangMSC.dll 24.576
012 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224
013 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864
014 vclmi.dll 3.074.048
015 sotmi.dll 257.024
016 utlmi.dll 465.920
017 i18nutilMSC.dll 67072
018 icuuc40.dll 949760
019 icudt40.dll 13912064
SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN() entered 24.252.416
020 bootstrap.dll 453.632
021 reg3.dll 99.328
022 store3.dll 78.336
023 msci_uno.dll 52.224
024 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800
025 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336
Application usable 26.837.504

The following code snippet from svdem.cxx (inside in VCL/workben) shows where the first measurement point is located.

    tools::extendApplicationEnvironment(); // <- First measurement point

    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMS;
    xMS = cppu::createRegistryServiceFactory( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "applicat.rdb" ) ), sal_True );

    InitVCL( xMS );

    return 0;

Even the svdem.exe needs to load many libraries. This result supports people who report that also svdem.exe has a bad cold startup time. There is one library (icudt40.dll) which has a size that makes up about 50% of the sum of all libraries.

Measurement point Total number of libraries loaded (OOo libs) Percentage of all libraries. Percentage of all libraries (size)
SAL_IMPLEMENT_MAIN() entered 44 (19) 5,47 % 14,16%
svdem.exe up and running 60 (26) 7,95 % 15,68 %

File I/O during startup

It was reported that has a high amount of file access during startup. This part wants to analyze what file I/O is done by Under Windows one can use the Microsoft tools from who provides Process Monitor (FileMon is replaced by Process Monitor). Process Monitor provides many more information, especially durations for system calls with a very high timer resolution, than FileMon and therefore is a better tools for our purpose.

Costs of library loading

This chapter tries to figure out what costs are involved in library loading under Windows. As described in the previous chapters uses a big number of libraries during startup. Currently it's not really known what does this cost, especially in the cold startup scenario where no libraries could be loaded from the cache.

Process Monitor results - cold startup

The cold startup time is fairly good reproducable as long as Windows XP doesn't create a prefetch file for the application (normally located inside %systemroot%\prefetch). The Process Monitor output will also dramatically change when Windows starts to prefetch. You can find more information about this Microsoft Windows feature here. The previous measurements were made with an active anti virus scanner in the background which was responsible for many file I/O requests while loading libraries and access to zip files (e.g. These additional access were done on system level as the AV scanner package used a driver. While there many Windows systems which use a real time AV system this circumstance needs to be viewed separately. Therefore I made new measurements with a clean non-av influenced system.

This snippet below has been directly copied from the output of Process Monitor (some line of registry access and process switches were removed) and shows how the sal3.dll library is opened in during startup. This startup was done after a reboot of the machine where one can expect that no application libraries are found in the system cache. I did this test with a much slower machine (see machine details above) to better see the impact of file I/O.

Some explanations for the content of the log file:

  • C:\$Mft (Master File Table)

Time (hh:mm:ss)  Dur. (s)  Executable  PID   TID Function                  Path/File/Name                                                            Result         Parameters
10:39:48,2426100 0.0000121 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2427433 0.0000154 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\system32\sal3.dll	                     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2428696 0.0000084 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\system\sal3.dll	                             NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2429593 0.0000120 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\sal3.dll	                                     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2431830 0.0000106 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2539665 0.0000109 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\sal3.dll NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2692182 0.0013496 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      AllocationSize: 1.732.608, EndOfFile: 1.732.608, FileAttributes: A
10:39:48,2692584 0.0012943 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_READ	                            C:\$Mft	                                             SUCCESS	      Offset: 34.451.456, Length: 4.096, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
10:39:48,2706625 0.0000115 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2707871 0.0000154 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\system32\sal3.dll	                     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2709237 0.0000084 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\system\sal3.dll	                             NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2710117 0.0000112 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\sal3.dll	                                     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2711072 0.0000098 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	     NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2712260 0.0000100 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\sal3.dll NAME NOT FOUND	
10:39:48,2713377 0.0000062 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      AllocationSize: 1.732.608, EndOfFile: 1.732.608, FileAttributes: A
10:39:48,2714481 0.0000125 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_CREATE	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      Desired Access: Execute/Traverse, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened
10:39:48,2715464 0.0000028 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: PAGE_EXECUTE
10:39:48,2715545 0.0000028 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_QUERY_INFORMATION	            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      Type: QueryStandardInformationFile, AllocationSize: 1.732.608, EndOfFile: 1.732.608, NumberOfLinks: 1, DeletePending: False, Directory: False
10:39:48,2715621 0.0000019 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      SyncType: SyncTypeOther
10:39:48,2715676 0.0000020 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	
10:39:48,2716176 0.0001584 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_READ	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      Offset: 0, Length: 4.096, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
10:39:48,2717936 0.0000023 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	
10:39:48,2718001 0.0000019 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      SyncType: SyncTypeOther
10:39:48,2718057 0.0000016 soffice.bin 3776 3780 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	
10:39:48,2719283 0.0000042 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	
10:39:48,2721012 0.0000000 soffice.bin 3776 3780 Load Image	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      Image Base: 0x60100000, Image Size: 0x1ae000
10:39:48,2727661 0.0220489 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_READ	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	     SUCCESS	      Offset: 1.711.104, Length: 1.536, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
10:39:48,2950497 0.0000139 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_CREATE	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll.2.Manifest NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Generic Read/Execute, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, AllocationSize: n/a
10:39:48,2952444 0.0000120 soffice.bin 3776 3780 IRP_MJ_CREATE	                            C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll.2.Config	  NAME NOT FOUND Desired Access: Generic Read/Execute, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, AllocationSize: n/a

If you look at the output from Process Monitor one can stumble that the time stamp of the next function doesn't match or overlaps the previous one + duration. Some functions are executed in the context of a previous function, others are executed asynchronously. The output from Process Monitor shows us that libraries are not read in one portion into the address space of a process. Windows always load the first page into memory and other are paged in on-demand via page faults.

It's interesting to see that the sum of durations for the initial part of sal3 needs ~23,6ms (the FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN initiated the IRP_MJ_READ C:\$Mft therefore these times cannot be added). The total elapsed time is ~52,6ms. So about 44% of the time was used for system file operations. It's obvious that more parts of the libraries are loaded into memory whenever more code/data is needed. Therefore it should be clear that the numbers are more the lower bound for library loading. About 23,6 ms sounds not very much but at that point two pages (two IRP_MJ_READ requests) have been loaded into memory. If you look at the number of libraries and their size it's possible this can grow to huge times!

May be it depends on the number of exports or statics. This must be clarified to know what can we do to improve here.

See Performance/Startup#ELF_Dynamic_Objects; Sb 15:14, 11 February 2009 (UTC).

Relocations can definitely have an impact but this shouldn't happen for as we rebase our libraries. That means that all application libraries are set with an initial load address which doesn't overlap. All relocations inside the library are overwritten to match this load address. If Windows is able to load the library exactly at this load address nothing must be done, otherwise relocations are necessary.

See [MSDN magazin - Optimizing DLL Load Time Performance]

As far as I can see most libraries could be loaded at the rebased address. There are some clashes with system libraries.

The following two tables try to show what time is spent for all libraries that are loaded during. This is necessary as the order of library loading is different starting swriter.exe or soffice.exe. It will help us to see what impact library loading has on cold startup time. If you look at the times you will clearly see that it's not always related to the library size. The column "without AV" shows now the whole time that is used to page-in the library parts that are needed during startup. The column "with AV" shows only the initial part, although the AV scanner reads many pages from the library on the first open. The first table shows the Writer startup (start "swriter.exe").

Table of library loading times - Writer cold startup (swriter.exe)

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size Time(ms) with AV (intial loading) Time(ms) without AV (whole page-in time)
001 soffice.bin 7.418.368 691 78
002 sal3.dll 1.732.608 183 101
003 uwinapi.dll 86.016 72 14
004 sofficeapp.dll 326.144 168 93
005 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224 361 229
006 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104 364 105
007 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824 56 10
008 cppu3.dll 143.360 139 26
009 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504 253 62
010 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864 153 65
011 vos3MSC.dll 94.208 56 7
012 i18nisolang1MSC.dll 24.576 95 12
013 sfxmi.dll 3.110.912 492 755
014 fwemi.dll 849.408 170 142
015 fwimi.dll 299.008 103 84
016 utlmi.dll 465.920 234 106
017 tlmi.dll 509.952 190 122
018 basegfxmi.dll 572.928 234 71
019 vclmi.dll 3.074.048 300 602
020 sotmi.dll 257.024 100 43
021 i18nutilMSC.dll 67.072 49 15
022 icuuc40.dll 949.760 194 135
023 icudt40.dll 13.912.064 70 54
024 svlmi.dll 724.992 172 178
025 svtmi.dll 2.884.608 473 533
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336 322 227
027 jvmfwk3.dll 89.088 65 26
028 libxml2.dll 970.752 215 154
029 sbmi.dll 1.310.208 712 215
030 xcrmi.dll 529.920 151 67
031 saxmi.dll 80.384 47 12
032 jmi_g.dll 32.768 22 2
033 jvmaccess3MSC.dll 25.600 45 28
034 msci_uno.dll 52.224 70 10
035 bootstrap.dll 453.632 121 43
036 reg3.dll 99.328 84 17
037 store3.dll 78.336 57 3
038 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800 45 5
039 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432 62 1
040 1.432.064 219 176
041 92.672 87 8
042 sysmgr1.dll 37.888 68 18
043 135.680 101 14
044 30.208 85 1
045 31.232 63 1
046 splmi.dll 148.992 100 3
047 ucb1.dll 197.632 65 15
048 fwlmi.dll 106.496 84 3
049 ucpfile1.dll 245.248 121 36
050 fwkmi.dll 1.879.552 265 563
051 uuimi.dll 198.144 90 47
052 filterconfig1.dll 188.416 89 40
053 dnd.dll 115.200 54 46
054 swmi.dll 7.332.352 543 2400
055 lngmi.dll 982.016 210 294
056 xomi.dll 2.898.432 331 237
057 svxmi.dll 9.172.992 556 2324
058 avmediami.dll 56.832 133 149
059 gomi.dll 295.936 166 180
060 drawinglayermi.dll 802.304 199 123
061 canvastoolsmi.dll 498.176 201 159
062 aggmi.dll 129.024 116 69
063 cppcanvasmi.dll 285.184 146 105
064 1.235.456 236 130
065 icuin40.dll 1.052.160 227 202
066 localedata_euro.dll 642.048 184 74
067 localedata_en.dll 104.448 71 42
068 unoxmlmi.dll 280.064 144 85
069 fileacc.dll 52.224 35 3
070 package2.dll 248.320 114 119
071 94.208 81 4
072 xstor.dll 239.616 111 75
073 99.840 88 35
074 guesslangmi.dll 36.864 45 31
075 libtextcat.dll 14.848 59 57
076 266.240 156 80
077 deploymentmiscmi.dll 100.864 86 25
078 libdb42.dll 541.184 111 146
079 helplinkermi.dll 134.144 40 29
080 libxslt.dll 166.400 90 41
081 24.576 37 22
082 98.816 86 55
083 166.912 ?? 28
084 libcurl.dll 121.344 38 54
085 77.824 8 30
086 updchkmi.dll 48.640 58 37
087 resmi.dll 65.024 88 37
088 280.576 134 61
089 emsermi.dll 148.992 83 6
090 83.968 47 40
091 nsldap32v50.dll 139.264 99 40
092 sysdtrans.dll 107.008 55 34
093 ftrans1.dll 50.688 63 31
094 mcnttype.dll 33.792 44 14
Empty Writer document up and running 79.384.014 33120ms elapsed / >14282ms libs i/o time 24800ms elapsed / 13012ms i/o read

The following chapter wants to make a summary about cold startup time and the impact of the aspect loading libraries.


Currently the summary just look at the statistic data from the normal cold startup (without AV software).

Aspect Time Perctange
Writer startup 24800ms 100 %
Load libraries (file I/O) 13012ms 52,5 %
Load Windows libraries (file I/O) 242ms 0,97 %

Library loading, in this case synchronous page in of missing code/data, make more than half of the startup time.

Process Monitor results - svdem.exe cold startup

Table of library loading times - svdem.exe cold startup

Order of Loading Library/Executable Size time (ms) without AV (whole page-in time)
001 svdem.exe 15360 25
002 cppuhelper3MSC.dll 431.104 127
003 sal3.dll 1.732.608 171
004 uwinapi.dll 86.016 92
005 salhelper3MSC.dll 13.824 42
006 cppu3.dll 143.360 94
007 stlport_vc7145.dll 597.504 214
008 tlmi.dll 509.952 160
009 vos3MSC.dll 94.208 41
010 basegfxmi.dll 572.928 100
011 i18nisolang1MSC.dll 24.576 47
012 comphelp4MSC.dll 948.224 128
013 ucbhelper4MSC.dll 356.864 62
014 vclmi.dll 3.074.048 490
015 sotmi.dll 257.024 79
016 utlmi.dll 465.920 96
017 i18nutilMSC.dll 67072 44
018 icuuc40.dll 949760 75
019 icudt40.dll 13912064 9
020 453.632 128
021 reg3.dll 99.328 91
022 store3.dll 78.336 70
023 msci_uno.dll 52.224 86
024 unsafe_uno_uno.dll 12.800 37
025 purpenvhelper3MSC.dll 18.432 28
026 tkmi.dll 1.870.336 179
Total 4010ms / 2715ms file I/O


Currently the summary just looks at the statistic data from the normal cold startup (without AV software).

Aspect Time Perctange
svdem.exe startup 4010ms 100 %
Load libraries (file I/O) 2715ms 67,7 %
Load Windows libraries (file I/O) 181ms 4,51 %

Library loading, in this case synchronous page in of missing code/data, makes more 70% of the start up time.

Process Monitor results - warm startup

Process Monitor output copied initial loading/reading of sal3.dll.

Time (hh:mm:ss)  Dur. (s)  Executable    PID  TID Function                                   Argument (Path/File/Name)                                 Result         Parameters
11:19:55,6239718 0.0000140 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	       NAME NOT FOUND	
11:19:55,6240902 0.0000174 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\system32\sal3.dll	                       NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6242134 0.0000087 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\system\sal3.dll	                               NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6242992 0.0000126 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\WINDOWS\sal3.dll	                               NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6251851 0.0000111 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	       NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6253063 0.0000120 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\sal3.dll  NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6254278 0.0000081 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN                  C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS	AllocationSize: 1.732.608, EndOfFile: 1.732.608, FileAttributes: A
11:19:55,6255167 0.0000095 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	       NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6256262 0.0000123 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\WINDOWS\system32\sal3.dll	                       NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6257379 0.0000081 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\WINDOWS\system\sal3.dll	                               NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6275298 0.0000112 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\WINDOWS\sal3.dll	                               NAME NOT FOUND 
11:19:55,6276237 0.0000095 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\Program Files\ 3\program\sal3.dll	       NAME NOT FOUND 	
11:19:55,6277357 0.0000106 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\sal3.dll  NAME NOT FOUND	
11:19:55,6278460 0.0000065 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_NETWORK_QUERY_OPEN	             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll        SUCCESS	AllocationSize: 1.732.608, EndOfFile: 1.732.608, FileAttributes: A
11:19:55,6279530 0.0000098 soffice.bin	2628 2568 IRP_MJ_CREATE	                             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS	Desired Access: Execute/Traverse, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened
11:19:55,6279712 0.0000025 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS	SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: PAGE_EXECUTE
11:19:55,6279796 0.0000019 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_CC_FLUSH	             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll        SUCCESS
11:19:55,6279910 0.0000023 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_CC_FLUSH	             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll        SUCCESS	
11:19:55,6279972 0.0000019 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS
11:19:55,6280033 0.0000020 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS	SyncType: SyncTypeOther
11:19:55,6280089 0.0000017 soffice.bin	2628 2568 FASTIO_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS
11:19:55,6281307 0.0000042 soffice.bin	2628 2568 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP	                     C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS
11:19:55,6287501 0.0000033 soffice.bin	2628 2568 IRP_MJ_CLOSE	                             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS
11:19:55,6289015 0.0000000 soffice.bin	2628 2568 Load Image	                             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll	       SUCCESS	Image Base: 0x60100000, Image Size: 0x1ae000
11:19:55,6291426 0.0000162 soffice.bin	2628 2568 IRP_MJ_CREATE	                             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll.2.Manifest NAME NOT FOUND	Desired Access: Generic Read/Execute, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, AllocationSize: n/a
11:19:55,6297711 0.0000129 soffice.bin	2628 2568 IRP_MJ_CREATE	                             C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\sal3.dll.2.Config   NAME NOT FOUND	Desired Access: Generic Read/Execute, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, AllocationSize: n/a

The warm start scenario shows us that there are no read operations in the log. Windows is able to map the code/data of the library into the process without any READ operation. The total time consumed for these operations is very slim. Total duration time for file i/o requests is ~0.2ms and the elapsed time ~6ms.

Process Monitor results - svdem.exe warm startup

Costs of data file access

Process Monitor results - data cold startup

The following parts wants to get information how much time is used to read/write from/to data files during startup.

Log output copied from Process Monitor initial reading a typical ini configuration file (soffice.ini). Some information about the log output you can see below.

  • C:\$Mft - "Master File Table" of NTFS. The Master File Table contains metadata about every file, directory, and metafile on a NTFS volume.
  • IRP - I/O request packet
Time (hh:mm:ss)  Dur. (s)  Executable    PID  TID Function                 Path/File/Name                                        Result      Parameter
14:56:38,5637743 0.0000097 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Type: QueryDirectory, Filter: soffice.ini, 2: soffice.ini
14:56:38,5637966 0.0000048 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP	   C:\Program Files\ 3\program	         SUCCESS
14:56:38,5638078 0.0000047 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CLOSE	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program	         SUCCESS
14:56:38,5639304 0.0120725 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CREATE	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Desired Access: Generic Read, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened
14:56:38,5639888 0.0109416 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_READ	           C:\$Mft	                                         SUCCESS     Offset: 82.997.248, Length: 4.096, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
14:56:38,5750276 0.0000062 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 0, Length: 177, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
14:56:38,5751358 0.0000069 System	   4   52 IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Type: QueryNameInformationFile, Name: \Program Files\ 3\progra\soffice.ini
14:56:38,5759292 0.0000153 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CREATE	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program	         SUCCESS     Desired Access: Read Attributes, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Directory, Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened
14:56:38,5759535 0.0000103 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.bin SUCCESS     Type: QueryDirectory, Filter: soffice.bin, 2: soffice.bin
14:56:38,5759752 0.0000048 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP	   C:\Program Files\ 3\program	         SUCCESS
14:56:38,5759861 0.0000051 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CLOSE	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program	         SUCCESS
14:56:38,5760205 0.0000053 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 0, Length: 79
14:56:38,5760392 0.0000034 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 13, Length: 79
14:56:38,5760540 0.0000025 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 21, Length: 79
14:56:38,5760658 0.0000022 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 48, Length: 79
14:56:38,5760764 0.0000022 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 79, Length: 79
14:56:38,5760867 0.0000025 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 104, Length: 73
14:56:38,5760970 0.0000023 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 124, Length: 53
14:56:38,5761077 0.0000025 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS     Offset: 165, Length: 12
14:56:38,5761180 0.0000022 soffice.bin	2524 1220 FASTIO_READ	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini END OF FILE Offset: 177, Length: 79
14:56:38,5761325 0.0000053 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CLEANUP	   C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS
14:56:38,5761473 0.0000048 soffice.bin	2524 1220 IRP_MJ_CLOSE	           C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini SUCCESS

The log from Process Monitor shows us that even small data files can lead to a certain delay in the startup process. In this example reading the soffice.ini file required access to the NTFS master file table (IRP_MJ_READ with C:\$Mft) which gives us a penalty of about 11ms for opening the file (IRP_MJ_CREATE). In the end reading the 177 bytes from soffice.ini needs about 12,5ms. So in the cold start up scenario accessing many (small) files can have a serious impact on start up performance.

The following tables shows what data files (also NTFS system files) and paths are accessed/read during startup. The times are for total file I/O in descending order (only synchronous read operations are included).

Order Path/File Size (byte) Time (ms)
001 C:\$Mft (Master File Table - NTFS system file) - 1.491
002 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\services.rdb - 1.409
003 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\offapi.rdb - 1.202
004 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\ - 260
005 C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\misc\types.rdb - 235
006 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\oovbaapi.rdb - 206
007 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\swen-US.res - 108
008 C:\$Directory (NTFS system file) - 81
009 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\svxen-US.res - 74
010 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\help\en\swriter.db - 65
011 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\svten-US.res - 57
012 C:\Program Files\ 3\URE\misc\services.rdb - 53
013 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\UI - 50
014 C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\times.ttf - 50
015 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Addons.dat - 45
016 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\help\en\ - 42
017 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\vclen-US.res - 40
018 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\soffice.cfg\modules\swriter\toolbar - 39
019 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.bin - 38
020 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Jobs.dat - 38
021 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.WriterWeb.dat - 34
022 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.Factories.dat - 33
023 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.dat - 27
024 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Logging.dat - 27
025 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program - 27
026 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache - 26
027 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.TypeDetection.Filter.dat - 25
028 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.SFX.dat - 25
029 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\res\en-US\org\openoffice\Office\UI - 24
030 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.TypeDetection.Misc.dat - 23
031 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.WriterWindowState.dat - 23
032 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\registry\\registered_packages.db - 23
033 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\sfxen-US.res - 23
034 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.GenericCommands.dat - 22
035 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Setup.xcu - 22
036 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\intro.bmp - 21
037 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\1B.tmp_\dict-en.oxt\description.xml - 21
038 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.TypeDetection.Types.dat - 21
039 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\updchken-US.res - 21
040 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office - 21
041 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.Controller.dat - 21
042 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\registry\ - 20
043 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Views.dat - 20
044 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Compatibility.dat - 20
045 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Views.xcu - 20
046 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\TypeDetection\Types - 19
047 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.WriterCommands.dat - 19
048 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\data\org\openoffice - 19
049 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\german.lm - 19
050 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\res\en-US\org\openoffice\Office - 18
051 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\21,tmp_\writer2latex.oxt - 18
052 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\FormWizard - 18
053 C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\tahoma.ttf - 17
054 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Depot\script.xlb - 17
055 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages.db - 17
056 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages.db - 17
057 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\soffice.cfg\modules - 16
058 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Depot - 15
059 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\config\ - 15
060 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\1F.tmp_\dict-fr.oxt\description.xml - 15
061 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Writer.dat - 15
062 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.VCL.dat - 15
063 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\fween-US.res - 15
064 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Common.xcu - 15
065 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\swahili.lm - 14
066 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\deploymenten-US.res - 14
067 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\soffice.cfg\modules\swriter\toolbar\standardbar.xml - 14
068 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\registry\\Windows_x86_.rdb - 14
069 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\Setup - 14
070 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Inet.dat - 13
071 C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system - 13
072 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.UserProfile.dat - 13
073 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Schedule - 13
074 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\belarus.lm - 13
075 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\TypeDetection\Misc - 13
076 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource - 13
077 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\uno_packages\cache\registry\\registered_packages.db - 13
078 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\soffice.cfg\modules\swriter\toolbar\textobjectbar.xml - 13
079 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\Office\Linguistic - 12
080 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\soffice.cfg\modules\swriter\menubar\menubar.xml - 12
081 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\registry\\common_.rdb - 12
082 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\korean.lm - 12
083 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\dialog.xlc - 12
084 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.TypeDetection.dat - 11
085 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office - 11
086 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\french.lm - 10
087 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\afrikaans.lm - 10
088 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\croatian.lm - 10
089 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Gimmicks - 10
090 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic - 9
091 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Euro - 8
092 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\Office\Common - 8
093 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\script.xlc - 8
094 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\hindi.lm - 8
095 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\hungarian.lm - 8
096 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\danish.lm - 8
097 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\config\soffice.cfg\modules\swriter\statusbar\statusbar.xml - 8
098 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\malay.lm - 7
099 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Tools - 7
100 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\fpdb.conf - 7
101 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\help - 7
102 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\english.lm - 7
103 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\sanskrit.lm - 7
104 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\registry\modules\org\openoffice\TypeDetection\Filter - 7
105 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\persian.lm - 7
106 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Paths.dat - 7
107 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\norwegian.lm - 6
108 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\chinese_simplified.lm - 6
109 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Template - 5
110 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\estonian.lm - 5
111 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\indonesian.lm - 5
112 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\breton.lm - 4
113 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\hebrew.lm - 4
114 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\fundamental.ini - 3
115 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\vietnamese.lm - 1
116 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\manx_gaelic.lm - 1
117 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\thai.lm - 1
118 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Jobs.xcu - 0,5
119 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Setup.dat - 0,4
120 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\resource\oooen-US.res - 0,4
121 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Common.dat - 0,4
122 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\stten-US.res - 0,3
123 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\upden-US.res - 0,3
124 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\ukrainian.lm - 0,3
125 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\frisian.lm - 0,2
126 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic.dat - 0,2
127 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\ImportWizard - 0,2
128 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\yiddish_utf.lm - 0,2
129 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\scots.lm - 0,2
130 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\czech.lm - 0,2
131 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\quechua.lm - 0,2
132 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\welsh.lm - 0,2
133 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\esperanto.lm - 0,2
134 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\latvian.lm - 0,2
135 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\romanian.lm - 0,2
136 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\scots_gaelic.lm - 0,2
137 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\dutch.lm - 0,2
138 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\swedish.lm - 0,2
139 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\amharic_utf.lm - 0,2
140 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\lithuanian.lm - 0,2
141 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\italian.lm - 0,2
142 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\albanian.lm - 0,2
143 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\slovak_ascii.lm - 0,2
144 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\catalan.lm - 0,2
145 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\configmgr.ini - 0,2
146 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\greek.lm - 0,2
147 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\portuguese.lm - 0,2
148 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\serbian_ascii.lm - 0,2
149 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\chinese_traditional.lm - 0,2
150 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\tamil.lm - 0,2
151 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\irish_gaelic.lm - 0,1
152 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\russian.lm - 0,1
153 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\icelandic.lm - 0,1
154 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\sben-US.res - 0,1
155 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\finnish.lm - 0,1
156 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\georgian.lm - 0,1
157 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\bosnian.lm - 0,1
158 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\polish.lm - 0,1
159 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\latin.lm - 0,1
160 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Histories.dat - 0,1
161 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\romansh.lm - 0,1
162 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\turkish.lm - 0,1
163 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\tagalog.lm - 0,1
164 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\fundamentalbasis.ini - 0,1
165 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\marathi.lm - 0,1
166 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.ucb.Configuration.dat - 0,1
167 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Substitution.dat - 0,1
168 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\spanish.lm - 0,1
169 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\nepali.lm - 0,1
170 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\basque.lm - 0,1
171 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.ProtocolHandler.dat - 0,1
172 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\slovenian.lm - 0,1
173 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\japanese.lm - 0,1
174 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\fingerprint\arabic.lm - 0,1
175 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\ofaen-US.res - 0,1
176 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Recovery.dat - 0,1
177 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Gimmicks\script.xlb - 0,0
178 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\1D.tmp_\dict-es.oxt\description.xml - 0,0
179 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\basic\Standard\Module1,xba - 0,0
180 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.LDAP.dat - 0,0
181 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\uno_packages\cache\log.txt - 0,0
182 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\basic\dialog.xlc - 0,0
183 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Commands.dat - 0,0
184 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Linguistic.xcu - 0,0
185 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Writer.xcu - 0,0
186 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\basic\script.xlc - 0,0
187 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\version.ini - 0,0
188 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.System.dat - 0,0
189 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\1F.tmp_\dict-fr.oxt\META-INF\manifest.xml - 0,0
190 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\uno.ini - 0,0
191 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\ScriptBindingLibrary\dialog.xlb - 0,0
192 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.Events.dat - 0,0
193 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.UI.GlobalSettings.dat - 0,0
194 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\registry\\Windows_x86rc - 0,0
195 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\21,tmp_\writer2latex.oxt\description.xml - 0,0
196 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\21,tmp_\writer2latex.oxt\META-INF\manifest.xml - 0,0
197 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\basic\Standard\script.xlb - 0,0
198 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Depot\dialog.xlb - 0,0
199 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\FormWizard\dialog.xlb - 0,0
200 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\ImportWizard\dialog.xlb - 0,0
201 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Schedule\dialog.xlb - 0,0
202 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Schedule\script.xlb - 0,0
203 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Template\script.xlb - 0,0
204 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Tools\dialog.xlb - 0,0
205 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\1B.tmp_\dict-en.oxt\META-INF\manifest.xml - 0,0
206 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.Office.TabBrowse.dat - 0,0
207 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Euro\dialog.xlb - 0,0
208 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\basic\Standard\dialog.xlb - 0,0
209 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\cache\org.openoffice.ucb.Store.dat - 0,0
210 0 :\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\\3\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office\Recovery.xcu - 0,0
211 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\version.ini - 0,0
212 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Euro\script.xlb - 0,0
213 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\FormWizard\script.xlb - 0,0
214 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\ImportWizard\script.xlb - 0,0
215 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\ScriptBindingLibrary\script.xlb - 0,0
216 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Template\dialog.xlb - 0,0
217 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Tools\script.xlb - 0,0
218 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\bootstrap.ini - 0,0
219 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\1D.tmp_\dict-es.oxt\META-INF\manifest.xml - 0,0
220 0 :\Program Files\ 3\URE\bin\uno.ini - 0,0
221 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\share\basic\Gimmicks\dialog.xlb - 0,0
222 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\soffice.ini - 0,0
223 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\uno_packages\cache\registry\\unorc - 0,0
--- Sum - 7045ms

The next table provides an overview about the different data file types and their impact on startup performance.

Order Extension/Type Description Size (byte) Time (ms)
001 RDB Registry database for UNO types and services ??? 3.131ms
002 --- Various NTFS system files/structures ??? 1.572ms
003 --- Directory lookups/querying ??? 551ms
004 DAT Configuration cache file ??? 498ms
005 RES Resource Files ??? 353ms
006 ZIP Compressed archive ??? 275ms
007 LM Language file ??? 179ms
008 XML UI configuration file ??? 82ms
009 DB Configuration database ??? 69ms
010 TTF TrueType Font ??? 67ms
011 XCU Configuration XML data file ??? 57ms
012 HT Help file ??? 42ms
013 INI Low-level configuration file ??? 35ms
014 BMP Bitmap file ??? 21ms
015 XLC Basic Library ??? 19ms
016 XLB Basic Library ??? 17ms
017 CONF Unknown 3.746 7ms
018 XBA Basic Library ??? 0ms

Process Monitor results - data warm startup

Process Monitor results - svdem.exe data cold startup

The following tables shows what data files (also NTFS system files) and paths are accessed/read during startup. The times are for total file I/O in descending order (only synchronous read operations are included).

Order Path/File Size (byte) Time (ms)
002 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\applicat.rdb - 326
001 C:\$Mft (Master File Table - NTFS system file) - 245
003 C:\$Directory - 143
004 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource\vclen-US.res - 37
005 C:\Windows\Fonts\tahoma.ttf - 17
006 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\resource - 14
007 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource - 5
008 C:\Program Files\ 3\program - 0,4
Total --- --- 787ms

Process Monitor results - svdem.exe data warm startup

The following tables shows what data files (also NTFS system files) and paths are accessed/read during startup. The times are for total file I/O in descending order (only synchronous read operations are included).

Order Path/File Size (byte) Time (ms)
001 C:\Program Files\ 3 - 2,4
002 C:\ - 0,83
003 C:\Program Files\ 3\Basis\program\resource - 0,77
005 C:\Program Files\ 3\BASIS-LINK - 0,75
006 C:\Program Files\ 3\program\FUNDAMENTAL.INI - 0,25
007 C:\Windows\Prefetch\ - 0,24
008 C:\Program Files\ 3\share\fonts\truetype\ - 0,18
009 Other - 2,58
Total --- --- 8ms


Cold startup Writer (without AV real-time protection)

The following table summarises the measured values during Writer cold startup.

Aspect Time Percentage
Writer startup 24800ms 100 %
Load libraries (file I/O) 13012ms 52,47 %
Load Windows libraries (file I/O) 242ms 0,97 %
Data file/path/system file access (file I/O) 7045ms 28,41 %
CPU time (according to Process Monitor) 2664ms 10,74 %
Query status/Open/Close files/folders 305ms 1,23%
Registry access 42ms 0,17 %
Write file access (file I/O) 5ms 0,02%
Currently unknown 1485ms 5,99 %
swriter.exe->soffice.exe->soffice.bin 700ms Additional time for startup (not included)

The time spent on data file, paths and system file access is about half of library loading. Currently more than 80% of the cold startup time is spent on file access.

There is another aspect which has an impact on startup performance. If a user wants to start a Writer he/she normally selects the Writer symbol on the start menu. This action starts the swriter.exe executable, which starts soffice.exe with additional arguments, which starts a soffice.bin process with arguments. This startup procedure needs three processes to start a Writer. A quick lookup about the performance impact that this three process solutions has, reveals that about 700ms is spent to start the third process (soffice.bin) in the cold start scenario. It's obvious that we should make at least one process obsolete.

DistributionColdStartup Writer.PNG

Warm startup Writer (without AV real-time protection)

The following table summaries the calculated values for warm startup. According to Process Monitor there were no read operations for or Windows libraries. Therefore Windows could map all necessary code/data from it's caches.

Aspect Time Percentage
Writer startup 3800ms 100 %
Load libraries (file I/O) 286ms 7,53 %
Load Windows libraries (file I/O) 19ms 0,50 %
Data file/path/system file access (file I/O) 279ms 7,34 %
Query status/Open/Close files/folders 24ms 0,63%
CPU time (according to Process Monitor) 2440ms 64,21 %
Registry access 21ms 0,55 %
Write acess (file I/O) 3ms 0,08%
Currently unknown 728ms 19,15 %
swriter.exe->soffice.exe->soffice.bin 200ms Additional startup time (not included)

DistributionWarmStartup Writer.PNG

Looking at the warm startup the picture completely changes. Now the startup time is mostely bound to the CPU. File and registry access have only a very minor impact, clearly below 20%.

Cold startup svdem.exe (without AV real-time protection)

The following table summarises the measured values during Writer cold startup.

Aspect Time Percentage
svdem.exe startup 4010ms 100 %
Load libraries (file I/O) 2715ms 67,71 %
Load Windows libraries (file I/O) 181ms 4,51 %
Data file/path/system file access (file I/O) 787ms 19,63 %
CPU time (according to Process Monitor) 203ms 5,06 %
Query status/Open/Close files/folders 10ms 0,25%
Registry access 5ms 0,12 %
Write file access (file I/O) 0ms 0%
Currently unknown 109ms 2,72 %

The time spent on data file, paths and system file access is about one third of library loading. Currently about 87% of the cold start up time is spent on file access.

DistributionColdStart svdem.png

Warm startup svdem.exe (without AV real-time protection)

The following table summarises the measured values during svdem.exe warm startup.

Aspect Time Percentage
svdem.exe startup 700ms 100 %
Load libraries (file I/O) 27ms 3,86%
Load Windows libraries (file I/O) 16ms 2,29%
Data file/path/system file access (file I/O) 8ms 1,14%
CPU time (according to Process Monitor) 204ms 29,14 %
Query status/Open/Close files/folders 20ms 1,29%
Registry access 7ms 1,00 %
Write file access (file I/O) 0ms 0%
Currently unknown 429ms 61,29%


How to tackle the poor start up performance

It's obvious that the poor start up performance is based on the fact that too much code/data is needed during start up. This results into the fact that too many library and data file parts are loaded into memory. For example looking at the Process Monitor log one can see that 5.022.720 bytes are read from the swmi.dll while the file itself has a total size of 7.332.352 bytes. That means that on Writer start up 68,5% of the file is loaded. One can ask why more than 2/3 of the Writer library must be loaded to just show an empty text document.

  • Reorder the object files so start up code/data is packed to the start of the library. Code/data which is not needed should be put at the end. The operating system can better use caching on new page faults. One can clearly see that page faults on code which is far away from the last file access needs much more access time (see the following Process Monitor log which documents the first 20 synchronous paging requests for the Writer library).
Sq Time             Duration  Process     Operation   File     Result   Arguments
 0 10:39:57,8295310 0.0388471 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset:         0, Length: 32.768, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 1 10:39:57,8691117 0.0084098 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 6.910.464, Length:  1.536, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 2 10:39:57,8850302 0.0170215 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.836.800, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 3 10:39:57,9020634 0.0185521 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 4.767.744, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 4 10:39:57,9206244 0.0003079 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.865.472, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 5 10:39:58,1908649 0.0168220 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 6.000.640, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 6 10:39:59,0099537 0.0145339 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.922.816, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 7 10:39:59,1447624 0.0002975 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.906.432, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 8 10:39:59,2832993 0.0003109 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.890.048, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
 9 10:39:59,2849484 0.0002171 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.881.856, Length:  8.192, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
10 10:39:59,2854035 0.0002645 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.853.184, Length: 12.288, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
11 10:39:59,2861022 0.0003106 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.939.200, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
12 10:39:59,2864368 0.0319449 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 4.784.128, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
13 10:39:59,3184339 0.0182722 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.984.256, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
14 10:39:59,3368399 0.0121761 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.967.872, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
15 10:39:59,3491563 0.0002791 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 5.955.584, Length: 12.288, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
16 10:39:59,3496231 0.0253999 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 6.053.888, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
17 10:39:59,3750942 0.0313613 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 6.037.504, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
18 10:39:59,4065809 0.0002794 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 6.021.120, Length: 16.384, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
19 10:39:59,4069603 0.0003366 soffice.bin IRP_MJ_READ swmi.dll SUCCESS	Offset: 6.017.024, Length:  4.096, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Paging I/O, Synchronous Paging I/O
  • Reorder data in the UNO registry database files. One can again see that these files are read in random access pattern during start up. It would be much better if a reorder could convert this to sequential access pattern.
  • It must be checked why a library is used on start up.
    • This can have historical reasons which are not true anymore or specific parts of the library are needed.
    • It's also possible to move code/data from one library to another one to decrease the number of libraries which necessary for start up.
  • There is definitely code which is initialized although not needed on start up. Just to find those parts is not easy and obvious.
    • Code must be changed to be usable for on-demand access.
  • Consolidate code and libraries.
    • Several different container classes
    • Two string classes.
    • Many helper classes spread over different libraries.
    • Libraries for the same purpose (for example: sax.dll,,, libxml2.dll).
  • uses about 10% of the start up time (cold start) to read file system specific data (e.g. C:\$Mft and C:\$Directory).
    • One cause could be the high amount of files and folders which are accessed during start up ( ~100 libraries and more than 200 data files/pathes).
    • The nesting of folders is also very high.
    • Libraries and binaries are now spread over three different folders:, and The bad thing is that Windows uses a defined searching schema (at least one function starting from Windows XP SP1 can influence it, see SetDllDirectory()). That means that Windows first searches for libraries within folders which don't contain any. More information about this problem and how it degrades performance can be found here:
      • Look beside the executable.
      • Look into the folder defined by "SetDllDirectory()".
      • Look into the system folder, called "System32".
      • Look into 16-bit system directory, called "System".
      • Look into the Windows directory, normally called "Windows".
      • Look into the directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable.

Random ideas

Some musings and ideas that may be good or may be rubbish - just to avoid losing them:

  • get rid of calling soffice.exe from swriter.exe
  • get rid of stlport (shaves off ~240 ms library load time)
  • have platform dependent main function in soffice.bin that allows to do a lot of things before libraries are loaded (e.g. prefetching of libraries and files in threads)
  • get rid of uwinapi.dll
  • load i18n stuff on demand in sal or split up the library
  • use ordinals for release builds again
  • look for initialization code that can be executed in parallel
  • avoid stating of xml files to detect custom toolbars (currently caused by XStorage abstraction)
  • have a native splash screen/application which provide arguments faster to a already running office instance
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