QATrack Testing

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{{#if: | |}}

The QATrack tool is no longer in use.

This site will list, what tests have been done for QATrack.

General functionality


login with correct username / password (username is already known to QATrack)

  • expected result: You are able to login, no error occures, your name, roles and user settings are correct in User Preferences
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-23
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

login with correct username / incorrect password (username is already known to QATrack)

  • expected result: You are not able to login, an error is reported
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-23
  • test result: passed with errors
  • remarks: user cannot login, but no reason is given.
  • solution: reason now given (pereriksson)

login with correct username / password (username is not known to QATrack)

  • expected result: You are able to login, your login name. mail adress but no roles are visible in User Preferences as the user account has just been created
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-23
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

login with correct username / incorrect password (username is not known to QATrack)

  • expected result: You are not able to login, no user account has been created, an error is reported
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-23
  • test result: passed with errors
  • remarks: user cannot login, but no reason is given.
  • solution: reason now given (pereriksson)

login with incorrect username

  • expected result: You are not able to login, no user account has been created, an error is reported
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-23
  • test result: passed with errors
  • remarks: user cannot login, but no reason is given.
  • solution: reason now given (pereriksson)


Logout current user

  • expected result: user is correctly logged out, no access to privileged functionality
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-23
  • test result: passed
  • remarks: on logout, the user should directed to the QATrack startpage, so that no error on insufficent privileges is given.
  • solution: fixed according to remarks (pereriksson)

Language management (build languages)

user without any role

browse languages, see language details

  • expected result: user should be able to retrieve a list of all defined languages. User is able to show detailes information for a language
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

add / edit languages

  • expected result: user cannot add a language (an error is displayed instead). User can only see language details but not edit it
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

user with QA(L) role

browse languages, see language details

  • expected result: user should be able to retrieve a list of all defined languages. User is able to show detailed information for a language
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

add / edit languages

  • expected result: user cannot add a language (an error is displayed instead). User can only see language details but not edit it
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks: maybe QAL should be able to edit her own languages (in some later version of QATrack)

user with ADM role

browse languages, see language details

  • expected result: user should be able to retrieve a list of all defined languages.
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

add languages

all language attributes are filled in correctly

  • expected result: user is able to add a language. Language will be displayed in the list
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks: selecion for Sun languages should be implemented as radio button (default "no")

mandatory fields are missing

  • expected result: language will not be added. An error is displayed.
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks: error message should report the field that is missing. (Focus should be set to that field)

new languagecode is already defined

  • expected result: language will not be added. An error is displayed.
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

edit languages

all language attributes are filled in correctly

  • expected result: user is able to edit a language. New language Information will be displayed in the list
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: failed
  • remarks: ISO code can be edidet, but will not be updated - no error is displayed about that
  • solution: ISO Code field removed (please don't argue :)) (pereriksson)

mandatory fields are missing

  • expected result: language will not be changed. An error is displayed.
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

new languagecode is already defined

  • expected result: language will not be added. An error is displayed.
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: failed
  • remarks: ISO code can be edidet, but will not be updated - there is also no check for duplicates
  • solution: this is after ISO Code field has been removed not possible (pereriksson)

remove language

language has no relations

  • expected result: language will be removed
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: passed
  • remarks:

language has relations (e.g. in user_languages or builds)

  • expected result: language will not be removed. An error is displayed.
  • tested by: André Schnabel
  • date of test: 2007-20-24
  • test result: failed
  • remarks: the language is removed, so that all existing relations are broken
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