User:TerryE/phpBB3.0.4 Migration/Detailed Implementation Notes

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Detailed Implementation Notes

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Standard NL configuration

All instances have the same content and essentially symlink everything but the avatars-load, cache and files directories. This means that all image sets and code changes are common to all versions. This includes the specific changes to the French forum that Bidouille requires (and in fact these are enabled by the existence of a specific match parameter that they use.) This all works because all of the forum configuration (such as the selection of the forum's main logo) is maintained in the forum database, and this database is private to each NL forum. In the same way, the individual styles are cached in the database so the Vietnamese forum can tweak its CSS to remove the underlines from links in the database (this is needed because accents in Vietnamese also lie under the letters and an underline can obscure these changing the meaning of the text).

Hence each forum instance has exactly the same structure, excepting the three content directories:

  common.php -> ../../phpBB-common/common.php
  config.php -> ../../phpBB-common/config.php
  cron.php -> ../../phpBB-common/cron.php
  docs -> ../../phpBB-common/docs
  faq.php -> ../../phpBB-common/faq.php
  images -> ../../phpBB-common/images
  includes -> ../../phpBB-common/includes
  index.php -> ../../phpBB-common/index.php
  install ->                  (*) only set up for database conversion to link to database_update.php
  language -> ../../phpBB-common/language
  mcp.php -> ../../phpBB-common/mcp.php
  memberlist.php -> ../../phpBB-common/memberlist.php
  posting.php -> ../../phpBB-common/posting.php
  report.php -> ../../phpBB-common/report.php
  search.php -> ../../phpBB-common/search.php
  style.php -> ../../phpBB-common/style.php
  styles -> ../../phpBB-common/styles
  ucp.php -> ../../phpBB-common/ucp.php
  viewforum.php -> ../../phpBB-common/viewforum.php
  viewonline.php -> ../../phpBB-common/viewonline.php
  viewtopic.php -> ../../phpBB-common/viewtopic.php

  images -> ../../../phpBB-common/adm/images
  index.php -> ../../../phpBB-common/adm/index.php
  style -> ../../../phpBB-common/adm/style
  swatch.php -> ../../../phpBB-common/adm/swatch.php

  <instance specific uploaded avatars go here>

  index.htm -> ../../../phpBB-common/cache/index.htm
    <instance specific generate cache files go here>

  file.php -> ../../../phpBB-common/download/file.php
  index.htm -> ../../../phpBB-common/download/index.htm

  index.htm -> ../../../phpBB-common/files/index.htm
  <instance specific uploaded attachment files go here>

Even through the databases are private to each forum, I would like to standardise these configurations where possible (for example the list of languages, BBcode extensions, etc.).

usOOo server scripts

The following factors have really driven me to pretty much script the entire cut-over process:

  • I am working with 8 separate forums which need cutting over.
  • I need to do the cut-over synchronisation a number of times during the dress rehearsal.
  • For the final live cut-over I want to do this this the minimum sensible service down-time.

And here are the scripts that I've developed.

This script is used to unload the current forums. The parameter (an optional "sync") tells the script only to unload the user and post related table. For historic reasons we are still running the postgreSQL 8.1 tools with the 8.2 database. Hence the pg_dump loop for each db. The overhead is quite small and the bulk of the time is taken up by saving the big tables in the EN and FR forums. The output is gz compressed as this the python libraries in Coolstack support this but not the bzip format. The only file directories that need to be backed up are the avatar uploads and file attachments. The tars are done from the directories to loose the path info. The avatars are all gifs, jpegs and pngs so their is no point in compressing them.

#! /bin/bash
# Do a delta dump of the forums
unalias -a
outDir='/opt/coolstack/apache2/htdocs/XXXX' # not real directory name
psql="psql -U ooo_oucv_admin"
pg_dump="pg_dump -i -U ooo_oucv_admin -x"
   test "$co" == "zh" && db='zh'
   echo Dumping $co from database $db
   if test "$2" = "sync" ; then
      tables="acl_groups acl_options acl_roles acl_roles_data acl_users attachments \
         banlist bookmarks confirm disallow drafts forums forums_access forums_track \
         forums_watch groups log moderator_cache poll_options poll_votes posts privmsgs \
         privmsgs_folder privmsgs_rules privmsgs_to profile_fields profile_fields_data \
         profile_fields_lang profile_lang reports reports_reasons search_results \
         sessions sessions_keys sitelist topics topics_posted topics_track topics_watch \
         user_group users warnings"
      tables="`$psql -c "\d" $db  | perl -ne \"/\w+_${co}_(\w+)\s+\| table/ && print \\\$1.' ';\"`"
   # pg_dump V8.1 doesn't support pattern wildcards on the -t option :-(
   ( for t in $tables; do $pg_dump -t  phpbb_${co}_$t $db ; done ; ) \
      | gzip -c > $outDir/$co.sql.gz
dumpFiles() {
   timestamp="-newer $outDir/lastCopy.Timestamp"
   ( cd $avatars ; find . $timestamp -type f ) | sed -e 's!^\./!!' > $outDir/fileList
   ( cd $avatars ; tar cf - -I $outDir/fileList ) > $outDir/avatars_${co}.tar
   ( cd $files ; find . $timestamp -type f ) | sed -e 's!^\./!!' > $outDir/fileList
   ( cd $files ; tar cf - -I $outDir/fileList ) | bzip2 -c > $outDir/files_${co}.tar.bz2
   rm $outDir/fileList
for co in en es fr hu ja vi zh; do
   echo "Processing $co ..."
   dumpDB $co sync
   dumpFiles $co

This script is run on the new system to pull the databases. The convention I use is to create a directory ~/terrye/migration/pullYYMMDD and then execute the pull from there. Since the two servers are on the same datacentre network fabric, this only takes a few seconds.

#! /bin/bash
# Pull the delta dump of the forums from u.s.oo.o
unalias -a
migrationDir="http://$usooo/XXXX" # not real directory name
alias wget=/usr/sfw/bin/wget
for co in en es fr hu ja vi zh; do
   wget $migrationDir/avatars_$co.tar
   wget $migrationDir/files_$co.tar.bz2
   wget $migrationDir/$co.sql.gz

This script blows the SQL into the databases and add the avatars and files to the correct directories. The Python script handles the hard PostgreSQL 3.0.1 schema to MySQL 3.0.4 schema conversion. The bulk of the time is taken up in loading the big tables into the EN and FR forums. The whole script runs in about 10 mins. Note that the 3.0.1 schema/dataload include an extra column forum_post_tpl in the table phpbb_en_forums, which we don't want. The easiest way to handle this is to temporarily add it, do the import and then drop it again.

#! /bin/bash
test -e pull$1 || exit

mysqlooo="/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql -u $user --password=$password"
$mysqlooo -e "ALTER TABLE phpbb_en_forums ADD COLUMN forum_post_tpl text;" en
for co in en es fr hu ja vi zh; do
  echo "Updating $co tables"
  python -n $schema $co pull$1/$co.sql.gz mysqlload/$co.sql
  $mysqlooo $co < mysqlload/$co.sql
$mysqlooo -e "ALTER TABLE phpbb_en_forums DROP COLUMN forum_post_tpl;" en

for co in en es fr hu ja vi zh; do
  echo "Updating $co files"
  cd /var/www/$co/forum/avatars-upload; tar xf $base/pull$1/avatars_$co.tar
  cd /var/www/$co/forum/files; bzcat $base/pull$1/files_$co.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
cd $base

Applying phpBB database_update.php script

The standard phpBB script install/database_update.php is used both to path the DDL to reflect any changes in going from version 3.x to current (in our case 3.0.1 to 3.0.4) and to patch the data content. Because I am using having to use a 3.0.4 MySQL schema as a starting point, I need to comment out the DDL patches but still execute the rest of the script (also since my merge strategy leaves the config tables untouched on the Live synchronisation re-import, I need to force the DB schema version to 3.0.1. Anyway, here is the patch

--- /var/www/phpBB_ref/install/database_update.php      Fri Dec 12 16:20:38 2008
+++ /var/www/phpBB-common/install/database_update.php   Tue May  5 14:46:34 2009
@@ -680,5 +680,5 @@
        $config['version'] = $debug_from_version;
+$config['version']='3.0.1';                                                ### UPGRADE PATCH ###
 echo $lang['PREVIOUS_VERSION'] . ' :: <strong>' . $config['version'] . '</strong><br />';
 echo $lang['UPDATED_VERSION'] . ' :: <strong>' . $updates_to_version . '</strong></p>';
@@ -1167,5 +1167,5 @@
+if (false) {                                                               ### UPGRADE PATCH ###
 // Schema updates
@@ -1299,5 +1299,5 @@

 _write_result($no_updates, $errored, $error_ary);
+}                                                                          ### UPGRADE PATCH ###
 // Data updates
 $error_ary = array();

Unfortunately this script only works if the forum default language is English so I need to execute this using this wrapper:

alias wget=/usr/sfw/bin/wget
for co in en es fr hu ja vi zh; do 
  # create a temp install directory and symlink to the conversion routine
  mkdir /var/www/$co/forum/install
  ln -s ../../../phpBB-common/install/database_update.php /var/www/$co/forum/install
  # set the forum language to english
  mysqlooo $co -e "update phpbb_${co}_config set config_value ='en' where config_name='default_lang';"
  wget http://localhost/$co/forum/install/database_update.php
  lang=$co; test "$co" = "zh" && lang=zh_cs
  echo "setting NL forum $co language to $lang"
  mysqlooo $co -e "update phpbb_${co}_config set config_value ='$lang' where config_name='default_lang';"
  # remove symlink and temp directory
  rm  /var/www/$co/forum/install/database_update.php
  rmdir /var/www/$co/forum/install

Other Notes

Database tweaks

What I've tried to do is to converge all the forums where practical and the most different NL Forum is the French forum — simply because the other where essentially clones of the EN forum, but the French forum was a migration from a previous phpBB V2 site and the NL Admin is understandable reluctant to change the look and feel unless there are positive advantages in doing so.

In the case of the smilies, this was a one-off since these tables aren't resynchronised. I decided to use the FR smilies since these were a superset of the other forums. Ihad to change the smilies table by doing a one-off reconciliation in Calc then using this to recreate the EN table then replicate this to the other forums:

mysql> TRUNCATE TABLE en.phpbb_en_smilies;
        INSERT INTO en.phpbb_en_smilies VALUES
         (1,':D','Very Happy','icon_biggrin.gif',15,15,1,1),
         (2,':-D','Very Happy','icon_biggrin.gif',15,15,2,0),
for co in es hu ja vi zh; do mysqlooo $co -e \
  "TRUNCATE TABLE phpbb_${co}_smilies; 
   INSERT INTO phpbb_${co}_smilies select * FROM en.phpbb_en_smilies;"

I have unified the Icon repositories, etc. which means that I've have to change some file locations after each resync, e.g. in the phpb_fr_forums table:

mysql> update fr.phpbb_fr_forums 
        set    forum_image=replace(forum_image,'images/','images/OOo_Icons/') 
        where  forum_image like 'image%';

Final Cleanup

Once the databases are primed we can give MySQL a final cleanup and start up the forums.

mysqlcheck --check --verbose --all-databases --auto-repair --analyze --optimize
for co in en es fr hu ja nl vi zh; do mysqlooo $co -e \
  "UPDATE phpbb_${co}_config SET config_value=0 where config_name='board_disabled';" 
  \rm /var/www/$co/forum/cache/*.php
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